How… can you ‘feel your life,’ today?

The Yoga Book_Blog


“I feel as free as the wind.”
– Anonymous

How… can you ‘feel your life,’ today?

  • Breathe deeply…
  • Practice wellness…
    Ex: Take good care of yourself…
    Ex: Do what you need to do for you…
  • Slow down…
  • Notice texture, wherever you are… feel it!
  • Put a hand on your heart and breathe…
  • Check-in with yourself…
    Ex: How do I feel, today? What do I think?
  • Breathe deeply, again. 🙂
  • Feel…
  • Express yourself…
    *Your thoughts and feelings are valid…
    *However, if you are especially sensitive, it is best to wait until you feel grounded, before you say anything.
  • Be authentic…
  • Eventually, make changes, if necessary.
    Make sure you are relaxed ~ when you make a decision 🙂
  • Love yourself, others, and your world. 
  • Enjoy!

Ask yourself, “How can I ‘feel my life,’ today?”
Then, live from the question and see what unfolds…

Recommended Article:
Click here: How to Feel More Joy Every Day

Recommended Video:
Click here: Feel Your Life

Recommended Tublr:
Click here: Feel Your Life: A Place of Discovery, Unravelling, and Inspiration

Focus on the ‘Weekly Question’ and ‘Weekly Intention,’ today…

Weekly Question: “How can you ‘feel your life,’ today?”
Weekly Intention:  Feel

Yearly Notes

The question is “How… can you ‘feel your life,’ today?” So, let’s define ‘feel’ and ‘your life…’ 


1. To be aware of…

your life

1.  Your existence; your being; your animation.

Notice your existence…

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About The Yoga Book

The Yoga Book is a personal yoga diary! It is a book for your thoughts and experiences, after a yoga class. Do you have a favorite posture? Sketch it! Do you have a favorite class or instructor? Take notes! Do you have a creative idea? Write it down! Use it to determine your favorite style of yoga or enhance your practice. The Yoga Book is also perfect for teacher trainings and yoga workshops! Every page has an inspirational quote, space for the date, style of yoga, and instructor’s name. It also has a glossary of classic yogas. Enjoy!

“The idea for The Yoga Book came to me in a yoga class! I saw it clearly in my mind and I needed somewhere to write it down. Also, I had recently met with an Indian medical doctor, who had said “Different styles of yoga effect people differently, so it is important to know which ‘style of yoga’ is right for you.” So, I decided to create a book, where people could journal about their experiences in a yoga class, write about the different postures – how they felt, get inspired, and write about their insights… Sometimes I would come to class with a problem, any problem, and leave with a solution! And when I did, I’d write it down somewhere, so I decided to create The Yoga Book.” 

– Creator of The Yoga Book